The Banc d'Arguin

Where is the Banc d’Arguin located?
The Banc d’Arguin is a long tongue of sand stretching off the Arcachon Basin at La Teste-de-Buch. It lies between the Dune du Pilat and the tip of Cap Ferret. Around 4 km long and 2 km wide at low tide, its shape and geographical position fluctuate regularly under the influence of wind and currents. The Banc d’Arguin is a nature reserve home to a host of bird species. To get there, you have no other option than to take the boat: you can use a cab boat or the maritime shuttles of the Union des Bateliers Arcachonnais. The first depart from Arcachon or Lège-cap Ferret. The latter will depart from either Lège-Cap Ferret or Dune du Pilat.
From our campsite in Gironde, L’Arbre d’Or, it takes around 36 km to get to Robinson beach at Dune du Pilat, or 92 km to get to the Bélisaire jetty in Lège-Cap Ferret, where you can embark for the Banc d’Arguin. Departure from Lège-Cap Ferret is in the morning at 10:00 or 11:15 depending on the season, and the return shuttle leaves at 17:30. The crossing takes 40 minutes (15 minutes from Dune du Pilat). Pack a picnic lunch, water and a tube of sun cream and set off to enjoy your day on the Banc d’Arguin.
A reserve with exceptional birdlife
This nature reserve is one of the treasures of the Bay of Arcachon and the Gironde. Between transparent waters and white sand, it’s home to numerous shellfish, crustaceans and birds. Splendid and wild, the Banc d’Arguin is a place of biodiversity, particularly in terms of ornithology. This protected area allows birds to stop off during their migration. It is also an important breeding ground for many bird species. In spring and summer, you’ll be able to see wattled terns, little black-headed kittiwakes, oystercatchers and grackles.

The Banc d’Arguin, a natural paradise for a wide range of activities
Take advantage of your visit to this exceptional nature reserve to go birdwatching. In July and August, volunteers from Sepanso (Society for the Study, Protection and Development of Nature in the South-West of France) show you the different species you may encounter, and offer you a tour of the site every Wednesday afternoon. They’ll answer your questions and even let you admire the birds with a spyglass from the exhibition hut.
You can also relax on the Banc d’Arguin. Spread out your towel on the sand and enjoy a pleasant tanning session in the sun. Take the opportunity to swim in crystal-clear waters worthy of the Caribbean islands. The Banc d’Arguin is also a great place for a stroll. Facing the mainland, the view of the Pilat Dune is spectacular. Your excursion to the reserve is also an opportunity to discover the oyster huts in this paradise-like setting and taste succulent oysters. Please note that dogs are not allowed on the Banc d’Arguin, nor are bivouacs allowed.